A hand holding an espresso cup with a hotel background and poolside view.


A Living Wage Café: Brewing Change in South Granville

By: Kate-Lynn Merkowsky

At Fable Café, we believe in nurturing our community by prioritizing people over profits. Join us as we explore our commitment to a no-tip, living wage model, ensuring our team thrives while you enjoy every sip.

White coffee cup on saucer on wooden table with orange backdrop.

Welcome to Fable Café, where we’re reimagining what it means to enjoy a cup of coffee. Nestled in the heart of South Granville, our café is not just a place to grab your favorite brew; it’s a celebration of community, connection, and the commitment to fair wages for all.

When we set out to create Fable Café, we quickly realized that minimum wage simply wasn’t enough for our team to thrive in Vancouver. Our mission was clear: to establish a living wage that respects and supports the hardworking individuals who bring our café to life. After all, shouldn’t the question be, “What do our team members need to thrive?” rather than settling for the bare minimum?

As a proud Certified B Corporation, Fable has long been dedicated to crafting sustainably designed artisan homeware, and now we’re extending that ethos to our café. We believe that businesses should not only focus on profits but also on the people who make those profits possible. By ensuring a living wage, we’re investing in our team’s well-being and, ultimately, in the quality of service we provide to you.

At Fable Café, we’re embracing a no-tip policy. That’s right—when you enjoy a delicious latte or a freshly baked pastry, you won’t have to worry about adding extra for the staff. Instead, we encourage you to connect with our baristas, share a smile, and leave a five-star review if you feel inspired. After all, we value relationships over tips. You don’t need to tip your friends; you simply appreciate them!

Two bowls on a wooden table; one with lemons, the other with avocados and limes.
Ceramic coffee set and a slice of bread on a table by a window.

Our café is open daily from 7 am to 6 pm, and we invite you to join us in creating a positive impact in South Granville, one cup at a time. With no hidden charges for oat milk and a commitment to exceptional service, we’re here to elevate your café experience without compromising on values.

We envision a world where businesses thrive not by exploiting their workers but by uplifting them. By choosing Fable Café, you’re not just enjoying great coffee; you’re standing with us in advocating for a better, more equitable workplace. Together, we can brew a brighter future for our community.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with us. Let’s make South Granville a better place to live—together, one coffee at a time.

Use code BREWTIFUL for a free coffee on us next time you visit our store.